$ amount Grand Beginnings leverages annually so that local early childhood professionals get college classes, credentials, and trainings.
Our Priorities
Our Work in Numbers


# of hours each year Grand Beginnings gives in coaching, technical assistance, and consultation to support continuous quality improvement.

% of children in our community getting developmental screenings each year through our Meeting Milestones Initiative (MMI) partnership.

$ amount Grand Beginnings gives annually in tuition grants so local families can afford child care.

The Case For Early Childhood
Investing in early childhood provides a foundation that supports wellbeing and success for the rest of a child’s life, cultivating productive, healthy citizens and better future communities. Families who have high-quality, affordable care for their children form a better workforce for today’s society. Despite these facts, more support is needed for families in our local community. Currently, licensed early childhood programs have the capacity for only 40% of young children in Grand and Jackson Counties, and the average cost of infant care in Colorado is $15,600.
Children who receive a high-quality education are less likely to:
Repeat a grade by 50%
Be placed in special education by 49%
Become a teenage parent by 40%
Be convicted of a violent crime by 70%
Drop out of school by 25%
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